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About Us

Holy Sepulcher Travel is a US-based pilgrimage company, owned and operated by Christians from the village of Beit Sahour in the Holy Land. Beit Sahour is adjacent to the town of Bethlehem and is best known for being the place where the shepherds were told of the birth of Christ by the angels.

Although we have lived in the United States for many years and are proud citizens of our adopted nation, we still keep our ties to our home, and are proud to call ourselves “the living stones” of the Holy Land. For countless generations, our families tended sheep and cultivated olive trees in the Judean Hills of Bethlehem district, and lived the stories of the Bible as their own. We have taken the name “Holy Sepulcher Travel” so that our customers and clients know that we are Christian, faith-based company. Jerusalem is a sacred place, at the center of every pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and so is also at the center of our work. It is our honor and privilege to offer Christians from the United States the opportunity to experience the Holy Land and to know it as we know it.

Holy Sepulcher Travel specializes in providing customized parish and faith community tours for Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist and other Christian denominations. We work with the needs and interests of each group to ensure that their experience is both fulfilling and affordable. We are a reliable, no-hassle pilgrimage company that values our customers and the trust that they put in us for this most important of journeys.

For more information about how you can begin organizing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with us, click here or contact us by email and let us know how we can serve you.
Holy Sepulcher Travel

  • Reliable Music

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  • Soft Rhythm

    Ultrices mi tempus imperdiet nulla malesuada pellentesque elit.Aliquam faucibus massa purusets

Music Therapy

Interdum velit laoreet id donec ultrices tincidunt arcu non. Justo laoreet sitamet cursus sit amet dictumsita.

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Diam sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc mi ipsum. Nam aliquam sem et tortor consequat id porta tortornih.

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  • Ala Olivia


  • George Leo

    Project Manager

  • Amelia Jacky

    Production Controller

  • Daniel Arthur

    Store Manager